
sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Minimalism - Living better with less stuff

Living better with less stuff…..? Is it possible?

No, it’s not possible!!
We live in this materialistic era where we need to buy everything!
And we need to get everything right now.
We are suggested that in order to be happy, we need to buy a bigger house, a better car, the latest electronic gadget etc etc

And lately it seems we are even more tempted!
We have imported Halloween sales, we have Black Friday….but Just 1 Friday won’t be enough … …  and we got the cyber Monday!  but, think for a second, what if we don’t need that many things to be happy? what if the happiness is not in the objects we own?

sábado, 23 de enero de 2016

Don't join Toastmasters!

Many people are surprised when I tell them that every week I attend to a club to improve my public speaking skills. First, I explain what Toastmasters is, and the next question is usually, how often do I have to speak in public in my current work? or if I want to become a proffesional speaker? or if I am working for a sales department?

Usually it's not seen the value of joining Toastmaster. So if you don't want to improve and advance your professional career don't join Toastmasters. BUT, if you want to become better in different skills joining Toastmaster definitely will boost your performance! I'm so happy being a Toastmaster member!

Obviously Toastmasters teaches you to speak in public, but also teaches you to develop many skills more!

No te apuntes a Toastmasters

Mucha gente se sorprende cuando les comento que todas las semanas acudo a un club para mejorar mis habilidades para hablar en público. Lo primero, les explico que es Toastmasters, y la siguiente pregunta suele ser, pero, ¿tú hablas mucho en público? o ¿te quieres dedicar a ser orador? o ¿trabajar para un departamento de ventas?

Frequentemente no se ve el valor que aporta pertenecer a Toastmasters. Así que, si no quieres mejorar tanto personalmente como laboralmente no te apuntes a Toastmasters, pero, si tienes intereses en ser mejor en diferentes áreas no dudes en unirte a Toastmasters. Será un gran empujón para tú carrera profesional (y personal)

domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

Public Speaking Tips

Localizing Videogames

Localising a videogame is way more than translating it from one language to another. CULTURALIZATION is the key.

¿Has abandonado ya tus propósitos de Año Nuevo?

Ayer me encontraba disfrutando de un delicioso cappuccino y de un croissant mirando por la ventana y encerrado en mis pensamientos. Repasaba mentalmente la Navidad, los grandes momentos familiares que he disfrutado estas fiestas y mis propósitos de Año Nuevo. 

Entre sorbo y sorbo de café leí un artículo que me llamo la atención, “El 72% de la personas abandonan sus propósitos de Año Nuevo tan solo 17 días después de haberlos iniciado"

Esto me hizo reflexionar, ¿por qué sucede esto? y quería compartir con vosotros los pasos que yo hago para mantenerme centrado en mis objetivos.
Hace unos años empecé a estudiar para sacarme la certificación en Project Management (PMP) y estuvo en mi lista de propósitos durante varios años, pero por diferentes motivos, según pasaba el año lo abandonaba. El primer año de propósito no duro en la lista ni los 17 días que decía el estudio!!

Compré varios libros, bancos de preguntas tipo test, visitaba sitios Webs para simular exámenes y distintos foros..... pero siempre me pasaba lo mismo, acababa agobiado de tanto contenido, lo veía como algo inalcanzable, demasiada información. 

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Did you already quit your New Year's resolutions?

Yesterday I was enjoying a delicious cappuccino and a croissant. I was looking out the window and shut up in my thoughts. Mentally I was going over my Christmas break, we had great family moments that I truly enjoyed and I was thinking also about my New Year's resolutions. Between sips of coffee, I read an article that caught my attention, "72% of people will quit their New Year's resolutions just 17 days after they started"
This made me think, why?, and I wanted to share with you the steps I do to keep myself focus on my goals.
A few years ago I decided to study to get a certification in Project Management (PMP) and it was on my list of purposes for several years, but for different reasons, as the year moves on I was always quitting. The first year that resolution did not last in the list even the 17 days the article mentioned !!

