
sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

How my iPhone did not sleep with me anymore

What’s a habit?
A habit is something that we do on daily basis without thinking about it. And that’s the key! We don’t think about it. When you don’t think about some actions you don’t lose energy.
The best analogy to understand habits I read it in the book from the Heath brothers.
In their book they introduced the theory of the Rider and the Elephant. The Rider represents the rational side. The Rider knows what’s good for you. The Elephant represents the emotional side and the instinct. For example, my Rider wants to have a healthy body, a great beach body! Meanwhile my elephant wants some Oreo cookies and a couple of beers (with salted peanuts). Who wins? I guess I don’t need to take a selfie in Barcelona beach to reveal the winner J

sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

A new habit every month

Around one year ago I read the book “The power of habit” from Charles Duhigg and since that moment I decided I would work to create a new habit every month.

Working only in one habit per month might seem not very ambitious, however, when you think about it at the end of the year I have 12 new habits. Each habit I see it as a tool, this means I have now 12 new tools in my tool box! That’s quite a lot!!
Habits that I introduced are quite varied from something so trivial as ensuring I brush my teeth twice per day, being every week day at 7:30am at the gym or create a routine to go to sleep (no smartphone in the bed was really difficult to achieve for me)

The good thing with the habits is that you do them without thinking about it, this is great as you don’t lose energy. I remember at the beginning how difficult was for me to wake up 7am and go to the gym... always procrastinating. It’s said to build a habit you need to repeat it at least during 21 days until you interiorize it. This particular one took me longer. However now it’s totally integrated in my morning routing, and I love it!
Today I want to share with you the latest 2 habits I built.

